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[K-POP NEWS] KISS OF LIFE Receives K-POP Rising Star Award, Recognized as Leading Force in Korean wave

[비즈엔터 이성미 기자]

▲KISS OF LIFE(키스오브라이프)(사진제공=S2엔터테인먼트)
▲KISS OF LIFE(키스오브라이프)(사진제공=S2엔터테인먼트)
KISS OF LIFE garnered the prestigious K-POP Rising Star Award at the '2023 11th Korean wave Awards,' a remarkable achievement within just 200 days since their debut. The ceremony took place at Seoul's Baekbeom Kim Koo Memorial Hall on the 20th, where the group was acknowledged as a prominent figure in the Korean wave.

Expressing immense gratitude, KISS OF LIFE conveyed, "Receiving such a significant award within a short span since our debut, in less than 200 days, is an incredible honor. We extend our sincere thanks to our loyal fanbase, KISSY, and our agency for their unwavering support. We are committed to working harder, remembering the encouragement from many, to not only contribute to the realm of K-POP but also to elevate the global presence of Korean wave culture."

Looking ahead, KISS OF LIFE is gearing up to meet their fans at the 'Circle Chart Music Awards 2023' scheduled for January 10th next year at Busan's BEXCO, fostering deeper connections with their audience.

이성미 기자 smlee@bizenter.co.kr
저작권자 © 비즈엔터 무단전재 및 재배포, AI학습 이용 금지
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